FAQ's with Explosive Truth

Q: What type of music will be featured on the channel?
A: Our channel will feature a wide variety of music genres, including pop, rock, hip-hop, experimental music and much more. We will showcase emerging music and blowing minds with music.

Q: Will the channel feature exclusive interviews and performances?
A: Yes, on this site and/or social media.

Q: Can I work with you to develop a musical work or song and or add singing, remix or work together or even just share an idea or thought for something we are looking for in a musical work.
A: Yes, please contact us at sales@explosivetruth.com for information on partner opportunities.  Building a community is essential, it encourages its listeners and other musicians to be creative, share their own thoughts and engage. This creates a sense of belonging and a place to explore new sounds together and building or working together.

Q: How can I advertise on the channel, website or social media?
A: Please contact us at sales@explosivetruth.com for information on advertising opportunities on our sites and/or social media.

Q: Do you have a recording studio.
A: Yes, we have multiple state of the art studios with an array of keyboards, synths, entire workstations, multiple array of guitars, acoustic, electric, rare and limited edition, jamstick studio and midi guitars, Yamaha, Casio, Akai, Aturia, NI, Composers, and way many more to mention here...

Q: Do you review products and items.
A: Yes.

Q: Do you actually play or is this music generated?
A:  Actually PLAYED.

Q: What was the first release you made?
A:  In 1997 before the music industry turned into home computers and under a different independent name.

Q: How did you get started?
A: By accident, by selling items on a website, as background music and everyone liked the music which we turned into 2 CD's being released internationally. 

Q: How can I contact the channel for any other queries?
A: You can reach us at sales@explosivetruth.com or through social media.  Be sure to add you name to our mailing list and subscribe.

    A NEW DAY 2023 in the mix with Explosive Truth, a new year, A NEW DAY